Dr Farès Belhassen
Cosmetic surgeon
in Nice
My philosophy
The strength of a destiny
Dr Farès Belhassen specialist in cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery since 2008. I had the chance to progress and work in renowned Parisian services at Saint-Louis Hospital and at Saint-Joseph Hospital Center. I was an assistant specialist in the service of the prestigious Professor Vincent Darsonval at the University Health Centre of Angers, France. Later, I moved up to a specialist surgeon at the Curie Institute, as a breast surgeon. All the cases that you will see on this website have been operated by me. I practice reconstructive and cosmetic urgery in clinics certified in accordance with the safety standards and complying with the rules of the law of the 4th March 2002. I personally carry out all my interventions and ensure the full post-operative follow-up. The essential point is for me a complete care from the first pre-operative consultations until the last post-operative consultation; the surgeon’s primary qualities being listening and availability.
Why cosmetic surgery?
In our society where image and communication have taken on a primordial role, men and women have become very concerned with their appearance, with what they refer to the outside world. They constantly try to wait for an ideal, to meet certain criteria of beauty in constant evolution.
Beauty is not just geometric or algebraic. It is also and above all a question of balance, harmony of forms.
This is precisely the biggest challenge for the cosmetic surgeon: to create beauty. Creating beauty is the work of an artist, but which requires great precision, rigor and, of course, hard training and constant questioning.
If nature has not always brought the most attractive physical assets, medicine and cosmetic surgery can be an effective response to offer a better self-image, restore confidence and why not achieve a certain fulfillment.
My values:
It is a demanding surgery, which uses reliable, effective, long-lasting, safely performed techniques. The alliance of the knowledge of proportions and the sense of harmony are qualities that the plastic surgeon shares with the artist to create restore and correct certain aspects of the human body.
Because my field is constantly evolving, I have to be constantly on the lookout for the latest advances and to offer the best to my patients.
The plastic surgeon is also and above all a doctor. He must listen to patients. Active listening not only means a precise understanding of the requests, but also implies a certain sensitivity which is essential in order to detect the different psychic states with which patients are confronted during their journey. Accompanying the patient throughout the process, managing stress, apprehension and of course pain is an integral part of our noble mission.
More than a profession, more than a science, more than an art, plastic surgery is above all a vocation.

More than 10 years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery.

Traitement personnel
The treatment choices correspond perfectly to your objectives. We use the latest surgical techniques and technologies.

Quality and safety
All members of the medical center team have been carefully trained to assist in all situations.

Immediate service
We make sure to shorten waiting times before consultation or surgery as much as possible. Remote consultations (by video) are possible and free.
Curriculum vitae Dr Belhassen

Dr FARES BELHASSEN is a Franco-Tunisian surgeon. He has a background in cosmetic, reconstructive and oncological surgery. He was initially trained in Tunis then in Paris and Angers where he held a position of cosmetic surgeon in the service of Professor Vincent Darsonval. He was then hired by Institut Curie Paris and Saint-Cloud to provide a carcinological and reconstructive breast and facial surgery. Il a été ensuite engagé par l’institut Curie Paris et Saint-Cloud pour assurer une activité de chirurgie carcinologique et reconstructrice du sein et de la face.
Courses and trainings:
Faculté de Médecine de Tunis.
Université d’Angers
Université d’Angers
Université de Paris Descartes
Université de Paris Descartes
Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines
Membre de la Société Tunisienne de Chirurgie Esthétique
N° 7267504 27/52 001
Take an appointment online
Monday – Wednesday14.30 – 19.30
Saturday10.00 – 12.00
In case of emergency
+33 6 45 06 87 83
Dr. Belhassen is available for emergencies at any time of the day or evening.
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Diplomas and certifications